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Hosted by :

  • SAS with capital of €85,000
  • RCS : Créteil B 450 734 744
  • VAT NUMBER: FR 91 450 734 744
  • Head office: 70 rue Berthie Albrecht - 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine - France

Owner :

  • Agence Grenoble Alpes - 14, rue de la République - 38000 Grenoble - registered with the RCS of Grenoble under number 414 835 397 and individual VAT identification number FR83414835397 - Share capital 0€ - IM 038 12 0002 issued by the APST: 15 avenue Carnot 75017 Paris.
  • Managing Director: Cyril LAILY
  • Publishing Director: Cyril LAILY <> - 04 76 42 41 41

Photo credits: Agence Grenoble Alpes, G-PASS Grenoble Alpes partner establishments, P. Jayet, N.Soubeyrand, Ch. Huret, L. Perron, A. Doucé, Ylliab Photos, M. Riegler, OT Uriage.



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