Benefits and discounts

You get it, you win

Thanks to your G-PASS Grenoble Alpes, you benefit from exclusive discounts and advantages (valid only once per site). Discover the discounted offers in the G-PASS Chrono24H, Montagne 72H or Pionnier 365J.

LeisureG-PASS Chrono 24HG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Pachamama Golf indoor & Jungle bar

30% discount on your indoor minigolf game with the G-PASS. Rediscover minigolf thanks to a new, innovative concept unique to Grenoble: an 18-hole indoor course in a 600 m² complex with a jungle atmosphere!

LeisureG-PASS Chrono 24HG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Pachamama Karaoké

30% off your karaoke activity with the G-PASS. (Re)discover karaoke in a private room with premium equipment, a catalog of 50,000 songs, and a fun time! It's up to you! And to accompany your reservation, a whole range of drinks and snacks is avai ...

Nature and outdoor activitiesG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Plongée sous glace

Discover the magic behind the scenes of frozen mountain lakes Experience an unusual and extraordinary adventure in magnificent surroundings at an altitude of 2000 m! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, you'll be able to div ...

Pop local - Local crafts

10% off your basket with the G-PASS ! Pop Local is a local shop that creates links and encourages exchanges, offering the people of Grenoble a local alternative to the products of the big retail chains!

Shopping and restaurantsG-PASS Chrono 24HG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Restaurant Les 3 sommets

Your G-PASS entitles you to a free drink with every meal and dessert purchased at the Les 3 Sommets restaurant. Located on the Col de Porte, it offers breathtaking views of the Chartreuse massif and valley.

CultureG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye : visit the village, the church and the treasure

Temporary closure

It's said that no one comes to Saint-Antoine by chance. Whether it's history, heritage, a passion for the Middle Ages or curiosity that guides your steps, Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye invites you to discover its secrets and its thousand-year-ol ...

CultureG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye: visit the church and treasure trove

Temporary closure

It's said that no one comes to Saint-Antoine by chance. Whether it's history, heritage, a passion for the Middle Ages or curiosity that guides your steps, Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye invites you to discover its secrets and its thousand-year-ol ...

Shopping and restaurantsG-PASS Chrono 24HG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Sainte-Cécile Convent Bookshop

Benefit from a 5% discount on the bookshop and items sold at the Couvent bookstore thanks to your G-PASS. A long history unfolds within these walls: from the arrival of the nuns in 1624, through the arrival of the Génie Militaire, the opening of a ci ...

Nature and outdoor activitiesG-PASS Chrono 24HG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Self-guided canoe trip on the Isère river

Temporary closure

Take a self-guided tour of the Isère from Ile Verte to Oxford Bridge from Wednesday to Friday in July and August.

Buy your digital Pass online and use it immediately !

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